Our Services
Our tutors and advisors help students prepare for college and life after high school. Assistance includes the following:

Richmond and Vallejo, CA
Educational / College Advising
The College Advising Program is an integral variable to the PACT, Inc. formula. PACT, Inc. engages participants each year, upon their entrance into high school. More intensive college counseling begins in a student’s junior year. The program is extremely hands-on, encompassing extensive career information dissemination and workshops on the different segments of higher education. Students receive step-by-step guidance for success beyond the secondary classroom into the realm of higher education.

Vallejo & Vacaville, CA
Tutoring & Mentoring
The PACT, Inc. Tutorial Program employs a holistic approach to academic support that explores the root of student challenges and leads participants to academic success. The unique design of the program, where tutors are built into core class schedules, allows tutorial staff to address, manage and prevent problems for our students on a day-to-day basis, as well as support teachers—many of whom are overwhelmed with overcrowded classrooms.

Vacaville & Vallejo, CA
Upward Bound Tutoring / Mentoring /Advising
This program provides:
- Core instruction and tutoring in English, math, science, and foreign language
- Educational and college advising, including financial aid and scholarship assistance
- Campus field trips
- Cultural and Enrichment opportunities
- 6-week Summer Program